Tenant Forms

Following are some the most requested Tenant forms.  Typically your office manager or facilities director handles these requests but they are available here as well.  They can be emailed to nlopreception@cushwake.com.

8400 Wellness Center Waiver
Please complete form and returned to the Wellness Center operator. The Wellness Center is located on the first floor of the 8400 Tower . There are locker rooms and showers for men and women located within the Wellness Center.

8500 Fitness Center Waiver

This form is required to be filed with the Management Office to grant access to the onsite fitness center 24/7.  The Fitness Center is located on the lower level of the 8500 Tower. There are locker rooms in each tower for men and women.

Tenant Contacts

Please use this form to update the Management Office whenever your reception contact or emergency contacts change so you can be reached immediately in the event of an emergency or power outage day or night.

Telephone Room Permit

This form will need to be filled out by the tenant and submitted to the Management Office 24 to 48 hours prior to said contractor coming on site.  If the form is not submitted access may be denied.  Contractors are requested to be on site during our usual business hours between 8 and 5.

Overtime HVAC Form

This form will need to be filled out and submitted 24 to 48 prior to Overtime HVAC being needed.  Please read through the form and carefully fill out the dates and times with suite and floors requested.  The engineer will then get this programmed for you.

Extended Parking Form

This form should be used when you need to leave your car overnight or for an extended period.  Management requests that you keep it to a maximum of two weeks or less.  Please try to park your vehicle in an upper level or lesser used area of the ramp.

  • (in case of emergency)
  • Dates Vehicle Will Be Left in Ramp

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY