Emergency Information & Procedures

The Emergency Information & Procedures for Normandale Lake Office Park are detailed in the sections below. Anyone who works within the Park is encouraged to review this information so they can be prepared for emergencies that may arise during the workday. A color-coded Emergency Procedures pamphlet is also available to every employee. Please take a few moments to watch the Emergency Evacuation video below—it may help you in case of an emergency.

Every Tenant should have an assigned Fire Warden or two who attend our bi-annual emergency meetings, and they are responsible for coordinating and directing employees where to go in case of an emergency. Everyone is encouraged to practice evacuating your offices during emergency drills, which are held twice a year in conjunction with the meetings.

Normandale Lake Office Park Emergency Procedure Pamphlet

  • Introduction


    Phone Number for All Emergencies


    Management Office

    Security or After-Hours Escort


    This pamphlet contains reference information and checklists of procedures on how to report an emergency and what to do, who will assist you, and what help will come from building and professional emergency units during such emergencies.

  • Biological or Chemical Threats

    If you receive or encounter any suspicious material, substance or package:

    1. Call 911 and state the following information:
      1. There is a biological or chemical threat.
      2. Location (building, physical address, floor and suite number).
    2. Call the Management Office at 952-921-2050 and state the following information:
      1. You have called and reported a biological or chemical threat
      2. Location (building, physical address, floor and suite number).
  • Elevator Emergency

    Elevators are one of the safest modes of transportation there is; however, they occasionally malfunction.


    1. Press the HELP button or open the PHONE door and press the button.
      When the Central Station answers:

      1. Give the building name.
      2. Give the floor level if possible.
      3. Give the elevator number located in the car or inside the phone door.
    2. Remain calm.
    3. Talk by speaker telephone with Central Station.
    4. DO NOT try to force open an elevator door.


    1. Central Station will secure assistance.
    2. Someone will be in touch with you via speakerphone, speaker system, or from outside the elevator.
    3. Passengers will be assisted as soon as possible.
  • Tornado/High Wind Procedure

    By definition, a Tornado/High Wind Warning is an alert by the National Weather Service confirming a sighting and a location. The Weather Service will announce the approximate time of detection and direction of movement.

    PUBLIC WARNING – A warning will come over radio, TV or five (5) minutes of a steady blast of sirens by Hennepin County Civil Defense Warning System. Your Emergency Warden or alternate should monitor the weather and make the decision, if necessary, to take action.


    1. Get away from the perimeter of the building and exterior glass.
    2. Leave your exterior office and close the door.
    3. Seek shelter in the stairwells or restrooms, as they are the safest areas, followed by corridors and interior offices.
    4. Sit down in the corridor and protect yourself by putting your head as close to your lap as possible or kneel, protecting your head.


    1. Remain in the enclosed stairwell. Do Not use the elevators.
    2. Do Not go to the first floor lobby, atrium, skyway or outside the building.


    1. Seek protection under a desk.

    The Building Management will give an all clear.


  • Building or Floor Evacuation

    Building or floor evacuations will either occur as a result of automatic fire alarms or overhead public address communications when conditions warrant. It is the policy of the Management Office to consult with local authorities prior to evacuating floors or buildings. The Management Office will attempt to communicate to explain the circumstances. In most cases, however, the decision to evacuate is left to each tenant.

    If conditions escalate warranting a mandatory evacuation, the Management Office will direct this action and administrate an orderly evacuation of the building. It is the responsibility of each employee to be familiar with the evacuation plans. It is also the responsibility of each employee to know their company Emergency Warden as well as their alternate. Each employee should be familiar with the locations of the stairwells and procedures for evacuating any handicapped employees.  Emergency Call Buttons are located every fifth floor.

    …follow the instructions of your individual company Emergency Warden or alternate.
    …close the door of your office as you leave.
    …form evacuation lines – two abreast.
    …use the enclosed stairwells for evacuation (there are two stairwells per building).
    …know the locations of the stairwells.
    …keep talking to a minimum.
    …not smoke.
    …use handrails in enclosed stairwells.
    …listen for instructions and follow them.
    …remain calm.
    …be ready to merge with other people evacuating the building.
    …follow the method for evacuation of handicapped individuals, which will be determined by your individual floor warden.
    …watch for the Fire Department ascending the stairwells in the event of an emergency.

    DO NOT…
    …go to the elevators – they may not respond.
    …return for coats, purses, etc. once you have left your area.
    …run or create panic.
    …return to the office until the building authority gives an “ALL CLEAR.”

    Evacuation Plans by Building:

    8000 Tower Evacuation Plan
    8200 Tower Evacuation Plan
    8300 Tower Evacuation Plan
    8400 Tower Evacuation Plan
    8500 Tower Evacuation Plan

  • Employee or Public Accident

    In the event of an accident or illness of an employee or visitor takes place in your office area:

    1. Call 911 and then call the Management Office at 952-921-2050.
    2. Give this information to both:
      1. Building’s address below (this is the address for police & emergencies).
        8000 Tower 8331 Norman Center Drive
        8200 Tower 5600 West 83rd Street
        8300 Tower 8300 Norman Center Drive
        8400 Tower 5600 West 84th Street
        8500 Tower 5800 West 84th Street
      2. Floor of building and location of accident or illness.
      3. Type of injury, illness or symptoms.
    3. Do not move the injured or ill person. Try to make them comfortable.
    4. If possible, have someone meet the emergency units at the elevator on your floor.
    5. If appropriate, access defibrillator (AED) unit from the following locations:
      8000 1st floor corridor, near restroom
      8200 1st floor corridor, near restroom
      8300 1st floor corridor, near restroom
      8400 2nd and 10th floor corridors, near restrooms
      8500 1st and 11th floor corridors, near restrooms


    1. Emergency units will respond, and responsible building personnel will be notified by radio. Our building staff will assist emergency personnel to the injured or ill.
    2. Fire Rescue Squad and/or ambulance will be with you shortly and administer medical assistance or take the ill or injured person to the hospital.
  • Fire Procedure

    Upon discovery of a fire:

    1. Call 911 and then the Management Office at 952-921-2050.

    Give this information to both:

    • Building’s address:

    8000 Tower, 8331Norman Center Drive
    8200 Tower, 5600 West 83rd Street
    8300 Tower, 8300 Norman Center Drive
    8400 Tower, 5600 West 84th Street
    8500 Tower, 5800 West 84th Street

    • Floor of building and location of fire
    • Any details of fire emergency.

    2. After you have made the calls, notify the following:

    • Designated Emergency Warden.
    • Alternate.

    If evacuation is necessary – See Floor Evacuation


    …remain calm.
    …use enclosed stairwells only, as directed by your Emergency Warden, alternate or Fire Department Representative.
    …take short breaths if caught in heavy smoke. The air is better near the floor so breathe through your nose and crawl to the exit.
    …familiarize yourself with your company’s emergency plan and personnel.

    DO NOT:

    …attempt to fight the fire.
    …use elevators.


    1. Fire Department is notified.
    2. Professional help is on the way.
  • Bomb Threat

    In the event a bomb threat is received:

    1. Call 911 and then the Management Office at 952-921-2050.
    2. Give this information to both:
      1. State: “I have received a bomb threat.”
      2. Give the operator your name and the company name.
      3. Building’s address below (this is the address for police & emergencies) and floor location.
        8000 Tower 8331 Norman Center Drive
        8200 Tower 5600 West 83rd Street
        8300 Tower 8300 Norman Center Drive
        8400 Tower 5600 West 84th Street
        8500 Tower 5800 West 84th Street
    3. After you have made the calls, notify the following:
      1. Designated Emergency Warden.
      2. Alternate.
    4. Commence a search of your area in accordance with your company’s procedures to determine if any strange objects are present. DO NOT TOUCH SUSPICIOUS OBJECTS IF FOUND.
    5. Report to the building personnel on scene the results of your search, or report results to the Management Office at 952-921-2050.
    6. Below is a checklist and information to record should you receive a bomb threat. Keep this available for authorities.


    1. Police are notified/dispatched by 911.
    2. Building personnel perform a building common area search.
    3. Police or Bomb Squad contacts and questions the person who received the bomb threat.
    4. A building evacuation MAY take place.
    5. The building management will give an “ALL CLEAR”.
  • Bomb Threat Checklist

    Call 911 and the Building Management at 952-921-2050

    If you receive a bomb threat call, remain calm. If possible, record the call. Advise the caller, if you can, that the detonation of the bomb may kill or injure innocent people. Obtain as much of the following information as you can.

    Exact time of call:

    Exact words of the caller:


    1. When is the bomb going to explode?

    2. Where is the bomb?

    3. What does it look like?

    4. What kind of bomb is it?

    5. What will cause it to explode?

    6. Did you place the bomb?

    7. Why?

    8. Where are you calling from?

    9. What is your address?

    10. What is your name?

    CALLER’S VOICE: (circle)

    Calm Disguised Nasal Angry Broken
    Normal Accent Stutter Slow Sincere
    Lisp Rapid Slurred Stressed Giggling
    Deep Squeaky Excited Loud Deep

    If the voice is familiar, whom did it sound like?

    Were there any background noises?


    Person receiving the call:

    Telephone number call received at:


    Report the call immediately to your Supervisor.
    Bomb threats and searches will be managed in accordance with the Bloomington Police Department Policy.

Additional Emergency Information

  • Emergency / Non-Emergency Contacts

    All Emergencies 911
    Building Management Office 952-921-2050
    Building Security/After-Hours Emergencies 952-921-2201
    Police Department (non Emergency) 952-563-4900
  • Power Failure

    In the event of a power failure in your space or in the building, call the Management Office immediately at 952-921-2050. The building’s emergency generator is automatically activated during a power failure to provide power to life safety related areas such as stairwell lights and exit lights. The Management Office engineering staff will investigate the issue immediately.

    Open draperies and raise blinds to let in all available ambient light.

    If you are trapped in an elevator during a power failure, DO NOT PANIC. Push the button – it will automatically call our Central Station Monitoring System – and report that you are trapped. The elevators will cease normal operation, but will in sequence; slowly make their way down to the first floor where the doors will open. Do not force open elevator doors or try to escape through the roof hatch.

  • Active Shooter

    PROFILE of an Active Shooter

    An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms.

    CHARACTERISTICS of an Active Shooter Situation

    • Victims are selected at random
    • The event is unpredictable and evolves quickly
    • Law Enforcement is usually required to end an active shooter situation

    HOW TO RESPOND when an Active Shooter is in your Vicinity


    • Have an escape route and plan in mind
    • Leave your belongings behind
    • Keep your hands visible

    2. HIDE OUT

    • Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view
    • Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors
    • Silence your cell phone and/or pager


    • As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger
    • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
    • Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter


    HOW TO RESPOND when Law Enforcement Arrives

    • Remain calm and follow instructions
    • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets)
    • Raise hands and spread fingers
    • Keep hands visible at all times
    • Avoid quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety
    • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling
    • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating

    INFORMATION you should provide to Law Enforcement or 911 Operator

    • Location of the active shooter
    • Number of shooters
    • Physical description of shooters
    • Number and type of weapons held by shooters
    • Number of potential victims at the location

    COPING with an Active Shooter Situation

    • Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers
    • Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit
    • If you are in an office, stay there and secure the door
    • Attempt to take the active shooter down as a last resort

    Contact your building Management Office or human resources department for more information and training on active shooter response in your workplace.

    Provided to us by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

  • Stairwells

    Two stairwells are located in each building. Tenants should note the location of the stairwell nearest their office for emergency use. Stairwells are pressurized so that in the event smoke is present, fans will activate to clear the stairs for safe exit. For this reason, all stairwell doors should remain closed at all times.

    Click below for Floor Evacuation Routes:

    8000 Tower Exit Directions
    8200 Tower Exit Directions
    8300 Tower Exit Directions
    8400 Tower Exit Directions
    8500 Tower Exit Directions

  • Don't Hesitate, Evacuate!

  • Emergency Video

    Press the play button to view our video.